International Journal Of Health, Physical Education & Computer Science In Sports
ISSN    2231 –3265                                                          
Online Quarterly Journal – March, June, September and December       ISRA Journal Impact Factor : 7.217
Published by Indian Federation of Computer Science in Sports





International Journal of Health, Physical Education and Computer Science in Sports is multidisciplinary peer reviewed journal, mainly publishes original research articles on Health, Physical Education and Computer Science in Sports, including applied papers on sports sciences and sports engineering, computer and information, health managements, sports medicine etc.

The International Journal of Health, Physical Education and Computer Science in sports is an open access international journal devoted to the promotion of health, fitness, physical Education and computer sciences involved in sports. It also provides an International forum for the communication and evaluation of data, methods and findings in health, physical education and computer science in sports. The Journal publishes original research papers and all manuscripts are peer review.

The Indian Federation of Computer Science in sports has been formed with the sole intention to develop the Physical Education, Health and Computer Technology for development of sports performance.

Mission: To develop the scientific knowledge concerning health among people, promotion of Physical education and development of computer science knowledge for high sports performance.

Print Journal: The Indian Federation of Computer Science in Sports also publishes Bi Annual Asian    Journal of Physical Education and Computer Science in Sports (ISSN 0975-7732 Print). Please see the website